This page contains some simple instructions to get you started on Morello. In less than 10 minutes you should be able to setup a docker container with everything you need to build and boot into a Morello Debian environment on a Fixed Virtual Platform (FVP: and develop applications with Morello SDK.
To set it up please follow the instructions below.
Note: This approach does not require a Morello Board.
Install docker:
$ curl -sSL | sh
Install docker-compose:
Latest: v2.17.2
Installation command:
$ sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
Provide correct permissions to docker compose:
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
Test docker-compose:
$ docker-compose --version
Note: It is important to update always to the latest version of the morello-sdk. If you are unsure on which version you are running instead of the command above execute:
$ docker-compose pull
$ docker-compose up -d
Create the following workspace structure:
|-> morello/
|-> shared_folder/
|-> workspace/
|-> docker-compose.yml
Create a docker-compose.yml
file and map the morello directory into /morello as follows:
# Docker composer file for Morello Linux
version: '3.8'
image: ""
container_name: "<project>-morello-sdk"
- ./shared_folder:/home/morello/shared_folder
- ./workspace:/home/morello/workspace
tty: true
restart: unless-stopped
image: ""
container_name: "<project>-morello-linux"
- UID=1000
- GID=1000
- ./morello:/morello
- ./shared_folder:/morello/shared_folder
tty: true
restart: unless-stopped
Install the Morello FVP model as follows:
$ cd morello
$ wget -O FVP_Morello_0.11_34.tgz
$ tar -xzvf FVP_Morello_0.11_34.tgz
$ ./ --force --destination ./FVP_Morello
Please answer with one of: 'yes' or 'no/quit'
Do you agree to the above terms and conditions? yes
Then, bring up the container (from -morello/):
$ docker-compose up -d
Note: It is important to update always to the latest version of morello-linux. If you are unsure on which version you are running instead of the command above execute:
$ docker-compose pull
$ docker-compose up -d
To run the Morello Linux image on the FVP, login into the container as user with id ‘1000’ and run the command:
$ docker exec -it -u root <project>-morello-linux /bin/bash
And on a separate shell:
$ docker exec -it -u root <project>-morello-sdk /bin/bash
Then inside the docker that contains morello-linux:
# morello
Have a lot of fun!
Note: The first boot of the FVP model can take 5-10 minutes depending on the underlying hardware.
In GRUB select the following option:
Debian Morello FVP (Device Tree)
When the boot process is complete insert the following user credentials:
Username: root
Password: morello
To mount the shared folder to share files between host and FVP:
$ mkdir /morello/shared_folder
$ mount -t 9p -o trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L FM /morello/shared_folder
To shutdown the FVP correctly type on a root shell:
$ shutdown -h now
To exit from the FVP Model press Ctrl + ] to access the telnet shell and then:
telnet> quit
For examples on what to build with morello-sdk please refer to the Morello SDK documentation.
Once the binary of the chosen project has been generated copy it inside the shared_folder
in the morello-sdk
container and this will automatically be synchronized with the morello-linux
environment running on FVP.
To recover the space used by the morello-linux container execute the following commands:
$ docker stop <project>-morello-linux
$ docker stop <project>-morello-sdk
$ docker image rm -f
$ docker image rm -f
$ docker image prune
For further information please refer to the Docker documentation.
morello-linux generated containers are signed using cosign. To verify the validity of a container before donwloading it please follow the information contained in the .cosign directory.